Use "hypocrite|hypocrites" in a sentence

1. Fucking hypocrites.

2. Hypocrites are “unfaithful ones.”

3. You're such a hypocrite!

4. You headshrinkers are such hypocrites.

5. You sanctimonious little hypocrite!

6. I'm just a hypocrite.

7. What an arrant hypocrite!

8. Never Pray as the Hypocrites Do

9. I hate false modesty and hypocrites.

10. Repeatedly, he denounced them as hypocrites.

11. The Savior’s sternest rebukes were to hypocrites.

12. One part bully, nine parts hypocrite.

13. People know he is a hypocrite.

14. People think he is a hypocrite.

15. Jack failed thoroughly as a hypocrite.

16. (“hypocrites” study note on Mt 15:7, nwtsty)

17. Don't trust him, he an arrant hypocrite.

18. The newspapers branded her a hypocrite.

19. What are you doing over there, you hypocrite!

20. 23 The newspapers branded her a hypocrite.

21. He was neither a hypocrite nor a puritan.

22. Hypocrites have appeared even within the true Christian congregation.

23. Don't trust him ; he is an arrant hypocrite.

24. I object against him that he is a hypocrite.

25. My father was upright and outspoken . He held hypocrites in detestation.

26. I want you to spare the people another hypocrite.

27. She ripped off the mask of the hypocrite mercilessly.

28. [1913 Webster] The rest are hypocrites, Ambidexters, so many turning… …

29. Jesus responds: “Why do you put me to the test, hypocrites?

30. 18 A hypocrite is more dangerous than a dishonest man. A dishonest man deceives and cheats, and a hypocrite betrays and swindles. Dr T.P.Chia 

31. He's such a hypocrite! He never practises what he preaches.

32. Henry was more than a bigot. He was also a hypocrite.

33. A hypocrite is more dangerous than a dishonest man. A dishonest man deceives and cheats, and a hypocrite betrays and swindles. Dr T.P.Chia 

34. Considering you're a lying hypocrite like the rest of them.

35. Hypocrites can be identified, by their lies, duplicity, Crookedness, deceptiveness, and treachery

36. He was also a hypocrite, a puritan, and a racist.

37. Listen to music from Bulldoze like The truth, Hypocrite & more

38. He is a hypocrite and never exerts himself to help anyone.

39. The minister well knew -- subtle, but remorseful hypocrite that he was!

40. Jesus replied: “Why do you put me to the test, hypocrites?”

41. One who simulates, pretends, or alleges falsely; a hypocrite or dissembler.

42. 6 Jesus declared that such hypocrites were “having their reward in full.”

43. The magazine wrongly suggested he was a liar and a hypocrite.

44. Charles was a liar and a hypocrite who married her for money.

45. His dishonest actions showed him to be nothing but a specious hypocrite.

46. No man is a hypocrite in his pleasures. Samuel Johnson 

47. That means his brother Joseph is required to be a scheming hypocrite.

48. I called her a damned hypocrite and that made her sit up.

49. Saying the right things without doing the right things would make one a hypocrite.

50. It is avoidable to be a hypocrite to consider individual in the presence of collective.

51. 18 But Jesus, knowing their wickedness, said: “Why do you put me to the test, hypocrites?

52. You say you care about the poor, but you don't help them. You hypocrite!

53. He knew what the girl was when he hired her, the bald-faced hypocrite!

54. You say you care about the poor, but you don't help them, you hypocrite!

55. A hypocrite is a pretender, and people are right, there are pretenders in the church.

56. Better to have no one represent the district for the time being rather than this hypocrite.

57. In publick, a serious and solemn hypocrite; in private, a ridiculous and lewd Buffoon. ROWLANDSON'S OXFORD A

58. 18 The Pharisees of ancient times were lovers of rules; they accumulated heaps of them and produced crops of hypocrites.

59. Bigot 1590s, "sanctimonious person, religious hypocrite," from French Bigot (12c.), which is of unknown origin

60. The systematic inversion practised by the hypocrite is brought out by Shakespeare, almost with an admiration for its trickery.

61. Bigot (n.) 1590s, "sanctimonious person, religious hypocrite," from French Bigot (12c.), which is of unknown origin

62. Apart from the victims are the accomplices, who - knowingly or unknowingly - help the hypocrite to achieve his goals.

63. But all of their Bellyachings were garbage because they were a bunch of hypocrites, living off their rich mothers and fathers

64. 10-12. (a) Why did Jesus castigate the Jewish clergy, and what scathing denunciation did he heap upon those hypocrites?

65. But all of their Bellyachings were crap because they were a bunch of hypocrites, living off their rich mothers and fathers

66. Jesus exposed those men as hypocrites because they had lost sight of the righteous principles on which the Law was based.

67. 20 They view the minority who are still church members as hypocrites or antiquarian oddities; or misguided worshippers of an illusion.

68. Because he's a hypocrite and a has-been and—goddamn it, Nicolas Cage doesn't need any of you fucking people.

69. The “Caesar” whom the chief priests publicly embraced on that occasion was the despised Roman Emperor Tiberius, a hypocrite and a murderer.

70. Jesus condemns a hypocritical show of godliness, adding: “When you make gifts of mercy, do not blow a trumpet ahead of you, as the hypocrites do.”

71. Hypocrite: the man who murdered both his parents... pleaded for mercy on the grounds that he was an orphan. Abraham Lincoln 

72. What does Backstabber mean? A traitor or hypocrite, such as a co-worker or friend assumed trustworthy but who figuratively attacks when one's back i

73. Comrade Jeremy Corbyn revealed as a proud Brexiteer in footage from 2009 — and a hypocrite Video footage from 10 years ago shows the Labour …

74. Backstabber (plural Backstabbers) A traitor or hypocrite, such as a co-worker or friend assumed trustworthy but who figuratively attacks when one's back is turned

75. (1 Timothy 1:19) The hypocrite may promise much in the way of spiritual refreshment but turns out to be a ‘waterless cloud’ —delivering nothing.

76. Punished within Dis are those whose lives were marked by active ( rather than passive ) sins are heretics, murderers, suicides, blasphemers, usurers, sodomites, panderers, seducers, flatterers, Barrators, hypocrites, thieves, fradulent advisors

77. Abul A‛la Maududi says: “At the time of the revelation of Al-Baqarah [the sūrah quoted at the head of this article], all sorts of hypocrites had begun to appear.”

78. A Busybody is that bitch who likes to talk shit about you behind your back and tell people how fucked up your relationship is when she is a hypocrite

79. Puzzled by the perversity of these religious hypocrites, the healed man himself said: “From of old it has never been heard that anyone opened the eyes of one born blind.

80. “Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men.